14 Days to Die - The Builder's Server for 7 Days to Die
To find this server, simply search for "14 Days To Die" and look at the description for "The original 14 Days to Die Server," using the normal in-game server browser, you don't need the IP or Port to join. There's a lot in that title, I know. What it really means is that this blog is meant to support a dedicated server for the game 7 Days To Die for the Fun Pimps. The main server is slightly modified but still ruled by Anti-Cheat. Blood Moons come along every 14 days. Zombies usually walk instead of sprinting or running. Users have multiple large claims so you can build to your heart's content. The map is a minimum of 10k with unclaimed blocks resetting every 14 days. Wipes will occur with major patches to maintain compatibility. There are other details I'm forgetting, I'm sure, but I'll add them as they come to mind. This server features the lightweight and delightful GNS Beautiful Bases Mod, which allows everyone to steal posters from po...